Friday, August 9, 2013

Giving too much info.

  I like trying new things and meeting new people.  I give folks a little information but not too much info. (Although a decade ago, I would have given out way too much info.) In the employment arena this is also important.  Allow folks to formulate their own opinions! Don't prejudice their view.Let them experience it for themselves.

Ironically enough, I was accused of poisoning the well.   Sadly I was not.  I commiserated with former employees, but I was nothing but nice and helpful to the new employees. And honestly the new admin staff was really being unfair to the returning staff members.  I saw what poisoning the well truly looked like. It was an old employee in a leadership role telling war stories and sharing some of the worst scenarios that had ever happened at the school.  By doing this...She turned a new employee totally off and she decided that she didn't want to work there before the school year really got started.

Allow people to ask you questions about their environments.  Don't volunteer too much.  Just because things didn't work out for you doesn't mean it won't work out for them.

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