Monday, October 27, 2008

Why I love him....(Self Professed Barackophile)

Barack Hussein Obama.... most women love you. Well, most of the women I know. They like your charm, your charisma, your intelligence, and you love for the way you treat your children and your wife. I admire those things about you. However, that is not why I love you. I love you because you have not let the circumstances of your existence beat you down. That is the most beautiful thing about you. You also exemplify the American spirit, and on top of that you are truly an African American.
You inspire me to let go of the baggage of my past, and truly see the brightness of my future. You remind me that "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

Because of you and your inspiration, I am going to do the things that I have talent to do and I am going to start now. I know that this in an unrequited love.... So I resolve to love you from a distance.

1 comment:


Hey there!

I love that photo of that little boy hugging's just such a real moment...

Sometimes these children look like they are being forced to pose...

That little one is just giving Obama such love from his heart...

He will remember that moment for the rest of his life.