Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandma

August 14th is the birthday of the woman on the left.  She is my grandma. Both women pictured are my grandmothers. They were two of my favorite people in the world.  Grandma Ruth was my father's mother. I spent every summer when I was little with her.  She was a jokester and a very, very, good friend.  Back when you had to pay a lot for long distance calls, I would talk to her twice a month for 2 hours at a time. She would make me a roast when she knew I was going to be home from college for the weekend.  She taught me to crochet, put up vegetables, and how to entertain guests.  She used to play ring games with us. She was smart, and a snazzy dresser.  She used to wear this tee-shirt with snazzy on it. Just thinking about that shirt makes me smile.  She was everyone's best buddy.  She made all of her family feel special. I aspire to do that and to be that kind of woman.  Grandma, thanks for the example.  May you rest in God's loving arms.

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