Monday, December 15, 2008

Are you finished yet?

I have finally descended into the fresh hell that is last minute Christmas shopping. Last year, I was done by December 5. This year I have barely gotten started. I have so many people on my list to buy for, but I am at a loss as to what I should buy them.

Well thankfully there is a site that I can use to help me out. It is the Momcentral gift Guide. I have been a member of momcentral, and I must say they have wonderful articles where mom's review products. (I review a few from time to time.) The gift guide is an excellent idea. The guide breaks down gifts into several categories: her, him, baby, toddler, tween, teens, kids, and pets. If you have someone that doesn't fit on this list, then you may have a bigger issue than what you should buy for Christmas.

In addition to the gift guide, there is a contest to enter. If you sign-up with Momcentral and post a comment, you could win a prize. This is excellent. You can get a prize for searching for those last minute gifts. It is a win win.

For more information: Visit

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